

Congratulations on your decision to gain more control over your professional and financial future

The following information that you provide will be kept strictly confidential and will be used to verify credit worthiness, and help us to determine your potential as a renter in our beauty mall facility.

Emergency Contact Info:
Other Information
1. How did you hear about Salon Studios?
2. What interested you most about our concept?
3. How many years of experience do you have as a beauty professional? (Describe your professional experience)
4. Have you ever booth rented?  
5. Do you have an active client base?
NO, I Do Not Have A Client Base  
6. Approximately how many repeat customers do you currently service?
7. Hair Stylists Only: What percentage of clients receive chemical services on a regular basis?
8. Hair Stylists Only: Do you work with textured hair and use a curling iron stove?
9. What percentage of clients do you think will follow you to your new location?
Thank you for your interest in SALON STUDIOS ® beauty mall.

I hereby certify that the information I provided is true and accurate. I understand that Salon Studios, Inc. may obtain credit and/or criminal reports of applicants seeking to operate at Salon Studios and my consent is hereby given to Salon Studios, Inc. as represented by my signiture for such reports and to perform investig ations where I have established credit. Receipt of this agreement & disclosure are hereby acknowledged.

DATE: 02-17-2025